SQL: defragment,rebuild or show info about indexes in a database
This is a sql script I am using quite some time now, from 2010.
It is based on the original work from Microsoft but it is heavily upgraded to give you more options and functionality.
You can use the script to just show information about the fragmentation level of the indexes, or to give you a list of sql queries to defragment or rebuild the indexes that need it, or to defragment or rebuild the indexes which have a LogicalFrag higher than a specified value. You can even specify a pause in between defragment or rebuild of each index so the sql server load will be better spread in time.
Download the sql script here:
-- ****************************************************************************************************** -- * Use this script to get info or defrag or rebuild all indexes in the current database * -- * M.Galie Andriescu, marian.galie.andriescu@gmail.com * -- * SQL version 2005 and up * -- ****************************************************************************************************** DECLARE @maxfrag INT DECLARE @maxDefragFrag INT DECLARE @maxRebuildFrag INT DECLARE @objectid INT DECLARE @indexname VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @logicalfrag DECIMAL DECLARE @IndexDefragStr NVARCHAR(2000) DECLARE @IndexDBReindexStr NVARCHAR(2000) DECLARE @IndexShowContigStr NVARCHAR(2000) DECLARE @Action Int DECLARE @fillFactor INT DECLARE @waitForDelay varchar(9) DECLARE @allIndexInfo BIT -- ****************************************************************************************************** -- * Configuration section * -- ****************************************************************************************************** -- Action can be one of the following: -- -- -1 : show defrag sql for all indexes with logical fragmentation > @maxDefragFrag -- -2 : show rebuild sql for all indexes with logical fragmentation > @maxRebuildFrag and using @fillFactor -- 0 : show information about the indexes -- -- WARNING: the following settings will defrag indexes without any confirmation asked! -- -- 1 : defrag all indexes with logical fragmentation > @maxDefragFrag -- 2 : rebuild all indexes with logical fragmentation > @maxRebuildFrag and using @fillFactor -- WARNING: only use option 2 with off-line services, -- in other words stop all application services first!!! -- -- @waitForDelay = is the time (default 5 seconds) between executing the index de-fragment queries -- so the sql server will not be used too much. -- -- @allIndexInfo = 0 Use fast option to return statistics about the existing indexes. -- This is fast but will not return information about ExtentFrag, CountRows, MinRecSize, AvgRecSize etc -- = 1 Collect all statistics related to indexes, but this will take a lot more time to process for a big database. -- -- ****************************************************************************************************** set @Action = 0 set @maxDefragFrag = 20 set @maxRebuildFrag = 80 set @fillFactor = 90 set @waitForDelay = '00:00:05' set @allIndexInfo = 0 -- ****************************************************************************************************** --drop table ##fraglist --drop table ##deFragSqlCmd -- Creating temp table to hold index info CREATE TABLE ##fraglist (ObjectName varchar(1024) NULL, IndexName varchar(1024) NULL , LogicalFrag decimal(18, 0) NULL , ExtentFrag decimal(18, 0) NULL , ObjectId int NULL , IndexId int NULL , Lvl int NULL , CountPages int NULL , CountRows int NULL , MinRecSize int NULL , MaxRecSize int NULL , AvgRecSize int NULL , ForRecCount int NULL , Extents int NULL , ExtentSwitches int NULL , AvgFreeBytes int NULL , AvgPageDensity int NULL , ScanDensity decimal(18, 0) NULL , BestCount int NULL , ActualCount int NULL , [Status] INT DEFAULT 0) CREATE TABLE ##deFragSqlCmd (ObjectName varchar(255) NULL , IndexName varchar(255) NULL , LogicalFrag decimal(18, 0) NULL, DefragSqlCmd NVARCHAR(2000) NULL) -- Filling the temp table with info raiserror ('Getting indexes info...', 0,1) with nowait; IF (@allIndexInfo=1) BEGIN --collect all index info, but slow PRINT 'Collecting all index info...' INSERT INTO ##fragList(ObjectName,ObjectId,Indexname,IndexID, Lvl,CountPages,Countrows,MinRecSize,MaxRecsize, AvgRecSize,ForRecCount,Extents,ExtentSwitches, AvgFreeBytes,AvgPageDensity,ScanDensity,BestCount, ActualCount,LogicalFrag,ExtentFrag) EXEC ('DBCC SHOWCONTIG WITH TABLERESULTS, ALL_INDEXES, NO_INFOMSGS;'); end else begin --this is faster, but less info, as for example we will not know ExtentFrag, CountRows, MinRecSize, AvgRecSize etc PRINT 'Using fast option to collect index info...' INSERT INTO ##fragList(ObjectName,ObjectId,Indexname,IndexID, Lvl,CountPages,Countrows,MinRecSize,MaxRecsize, AvgRecSize,ForRecCount,Extents,ExtentSwitches, AvgFreeBytes,AvgPageDensity,ScanDensity,BestCount, ActualCount,LogicalFrag,ExtentFrag) EXEC ('DBCC SHOWCONTIG WITH TABLERESULTS, ALL_INDEXES, FAST, NO_INFOMSGS;'); end raiserror ('Finished getting indexes info.', 0,1) with nowait; -- Removing indexes we are not interested in -- If you get errors, remove [collate database_default] delete from ##fraglist where ObjectName collate database_default not in (select Table_Name from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'base table') or indexid IN (0,255) -- Adding schema name to table name -- If you get errors, remove [collate database_default] Update ##fraglist set ObjectName = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(ObjectId) + '.' + RTRIM(LTRIM(ObjectName)) -- Showing index info before defrag select * from ##fraglist order by logicalFrag desc -- Perform requested actions if (@action = 1) or (@action = 2) or (@action = -1) or (@action = -2) begin if (@action = 1) or (@action = -1) set @maxfrag = @maxDefragFrag else set @maxfrag = @maxRebuildFrag -- Create the cursor to loop through index info DECLARE ind_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ObjectName, ObjectId, Indexname, LogicalFrag FROM ##fraglist WHERE LogicalFrag >= @maxfrag AND Status=0 -- Open the cursor OPEN ind_Cursor -- Loop through the indexes FETCH NEXT FROM ind_Cursor INTO @tablename, @objectid, @indexname, @logicalfrag WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SELECT @IndexDefragStr=N'DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (0, '+ QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@tablename),'[') + ',' + QUOTENAME(RTRIM (@indexname)) + ')' + ' WITH NO_INFOMSGS' SELECT @IndexDBReindexStr=N'DBCC DBREINDEX ('+ QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@tablename),'[') + ',' + QUOTENAME(RTRIM (@indexname)) + ', '+ str(@fillFactor) + ')' SELECT @IndexShowContigStr=N'DBCC SHOWCONTIG ('+ QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@tablename),'[') + ',' + QUOTENAME(RTRIM (@indexname)) + ')' if (@action = 1) or (@action = -1) begin if (@action = 1) begin PRINT 'Start Defrag index = ' + QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@indexname)) + ' from table = ' + + QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@tablename)) + ' logical defragmentation is = ' + ltrim(str(@logicalfrag)); EXEC sp_executesql @IndexDefragStr end else begin insert into ##deFragSqlCmd (ObjectName, IndexName, LogicalFrag, DefragSqlCmd) values (RTRIM(@tablename), RTRIM (@indexname), @logicalfrag, @IndexDefragStr) end end else begin if (@action = 2) begin PRINT 'Start DbReindex index = ' + QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@indexname)) + ' from table = ' + QUOTENAME(RTRIM(@tablename)) + ' logical defragmentation is = ' + ltrim(str(@logicalfrag)); EXEC sp_executesql @IndexDBReindexStr end else begin insert into ##deFragSqlCmd (ObjectName, IndexName, LogicalFrag, DefragSqlCmd) values (RTRIM(@tablename), RTRIM (@indexname), @logicalfrag, @IndexDBReindexStr) end end if (@action = 1) or (@action = 2) begin EXEC sp_executesql @IndexShowContigStr WAITFOR DELAY @waitForDelay end UPDATE ##fraglist SET Status=1 WHERE Status=0 AND objectName=@tableName AND objectID=@objectID AND IndexName=@indexName FETCH NEXT FROM ind_Cursor INTO @tablename, @objectid, @indexname, @logicalfrag END -- Close and deallocate the cursor CLOSE ind_Cursor DEALLOCATE ind_Cursor END drop table ##fraglist if (@action < 0) begin select * from ##deFragSqlCmd order by LogicalFrag desc end drop table ##deFragSqlCmd -- ****************************************************************************************************** -- * * -- * Version Log * -- * * -- ****************************************************************************************************** -- * Version 10 * -- * 21 july 2015 changed the way the table schema is read from the database, now using * -- * OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME * -- * Version 9 * -- * 2 may 2013 changed fill-factor from 80 to 90 * -- * Added new parameter allIndexInfo * -- * Version 8 * -- * using [database_default] and not [Latin1_General_CI_AS] so as to keep * -- * the script not independent a certain collation * -- * Version 7 * -- * using [collate Latin1_General_CI_AS] * -- * Version 6 * -- * 02 dec 2011 : uses temp tables instead of temp DB where it could lead to collation error. * -- * Version 5 * -- * 30 nov 2011 : Using option FAST to get info about the indexes. * -- * : Added delay of 30 seconds between executing a index de-fragmentation. * -- * Version 4 * -- * 26 jan 2011 : Added schema to the table name * -- * Version 3 * -- * 24 jan 2011 : Added functionality to just print the index defrag sql statements * -- * Version 2 * -- * 10 jan 2011 : Removed COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS from CREATE TABLE ##fraglist * -- * Version 1 * -- * 1 aug 2010 : First release. * -- ******************************************************************************************************